InterPac Dana Safi (IDS)

IDS is an actively managed Shariah Equity fund to achieve its goal of maximising capital gains by investing in Shariah approved stocks listed in Bursa Malaysia. In seeking to achieve its investment objective, between 70% to 95% of the Fund’s NAV may be invested in shares that conform to the principles of Shariah. It also has a flexible asset allocation and may also invest in Shariah based debt securities to help generate returns where yields are attractive and interest rates trends are favourable.

Investment portfolio of the fund comprises instruments which have been classified as Shariah compliant by the Shariah Advisory Council (SAC) of the SC or the SAC of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). For instruments that are not classified as Shariah compliant by the SAC of the SC or the SAC of BNM, the status of the instruments have been determined in accordance with the ruling issued by the Shariah adviser.

InterPac Dynamic Equity Fund (IDEF)

IDEF is actively managed to achieve its goal of maximising capital gain by investing in stocks listed in Bursa Securities. In seeking to achieve its investment objective, between 70% to 95% of the Fund’s NAV may be invested in shares. It has a flexible asset allocation and may also invest in fixed income securities to help generate returns where yields are attractive and interest rates trends are favourable.

The allocations to fixed income securities are raised when weaknesses in the equity market are anticipated and conversely, when equity markets are expected to perform well, the funds are reallocated from fixed income securities to equities.

InterPac Dana Abadi

Islamic and shariah compliant Mixed Asset unit trust, with focus on growth

Provide investors with capital appreciation over the medium to long term period by investing in a portfolio of investments that complies with Shariah requirements. Diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant securities primarily in the US market which relies on fundamental and technical research.

Investment portfolio range from Shariah-compliant equities, Shariah-compliant equities, Shariah compliant equity related securities such as Shariah compliant warrants and right issues, sukuk, Islamic money market instruments and placement of Islamic deposits.

May adopt temporary defensive position to protect Fund investments to respond to adverse markets, political or economic conditions which may be inconsistent with Funds principal investment strategy and asset allocation.​

InterPac Dana Saadi

Mixed Asset, with focus on growth

Provides investors with capital appreciation over the medium to long term period by investing in a portfolio of investments

Portfolio of investments are diversified and focuses primarily on the US Market which relies on fundamental and technical research, ranging from equities, equity and related securities such as warrants and right issues, fixed income securities.

Money market instruments and placement of deposits, investment allocation may be made in Malaysia market.

Fund may participate in futures contracts and other financial derivatives, when appropriate, to hedge the Fund’s portfolio from any unexpected movement.

Continuous management of asset allocations of fund, with the frequency depending on market opportunities and assessment of our Fund Manager on market outlook, economic growth, interest rate trend and market liquidity conditions.

InterPac Cash Fund (ICF)

ICF is a conservative money market fund, which aims to provide reasonable return with high level of liquidity by investing primarily in a portfolio of money market and short term debt instruments. In seeking to achieve its investment objective, not less than 90% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in money market instruments.

These instruments include treasury bills, Bankers Acceptances as well as other short term instruments maturing within 365 days with a minimum credit rating of “P2” or “MARC2” by RAM Rating Services Berhad (RAM) or Malaysian Rating Corporation Berhad (MARC) respectively. The remaining of up to 10% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in short term instruments with an average maturity of not more than 732 days.

InterPac Social Enterprise & Responsibility Fund (ISERF)

InterPac Social Enterprise and Responsibility Fund is a conventional wholesale equity fund issued by Berjaya Mutual Sdn Bhd that encourages social responsibility and social enterprise participation by utilizing returns from investments. The Fund will disburse 20% of the gain in the financial year (measured by increase in the Fund’s NAV within the financial year), either in the form of dividend declaration, capital repayment or any other methods, back to the investors.

The principal objective of the disbursement is for the investors to participate in social responsibility projects and causes of their choice. However, the actual utilization of the disbursement is at the sole discretion of the investors.

InterPac Dana Ghani

Fund type : Income and Growth Fund Category : Wholesale Mixed Asset Fund

The fund seeks to provide investors with capital appreciation over the medium to long term period by investing in a portfolio of investments. The fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in a diversified portfolio of investments which relies on fundamental and technical research. The investments would range from equities, warrants, call warrants, fixed income, securities, money market instruments placement of deposits, financial derivatives and collective and collective investment schemes.

Asset allocation will depend on economic growth, interest rate trends and market liquidity conditions. Under normal market conditions, the fund will likely hold a higher exposure in equities/fixed income securities. However, the Fund may reduce its exposure in equities and or fixed income securities and increase its exposure in money market instruments and deposits when the risk to reward environment turns less attractive.

Investors Profile: The fund is suitable for Sophisiticated investors who; 1) Have medium to long term investment horizon and 2) Seek capital gain

Private Mandates are segregated portfolios customised based on the needs of investors. Each portfolio is placed in a dedicated custodian account opened under the investor’s name.

Fund Size as at 30 April 2024

Fund Fund Size (RM)
InterPac Dana Safi RM 7,541,572.87
InterPac Dynamic Equity Fund RM 2,649,721.56
InterPac Cash Fund
InterPac Dana Abadi RM 2,461,403.84
InterPac Dana Saadi Under winding up process
InterPac Dana Ghani RM 485,169.59

Income Distribution

Fund Date Sen Per Unit Yield %*
InterPac Cash Fund 30 September 2022 0.2408 0.48 %
InterPac Cash Fund 31 December 2021 0.1713 0.34 %
InterPac Cash Fund 30 September 2021 0.1900 0.38 %
InterPac Cash Fund 30 June 2021 0.1744 0.35 %
InterPac Cash Fund 31 March 2021 0.1037 0.21 %
InterPac Cash Fund 31 December 2020 0.0791 0.16 %
InterPac Cash Fund 30 September 2020 0.1181 0.24 %
InterPac Cash Fund 30 June 2020 0.1861 0.37 %
InterPac Cash Fund 31 March 2020 0.2254 0.51 %
*Yield (%) is calculated based on most recent monthly dividend distribution and divided by the previous year end NAV.

Click on the download button to view, read, download and print the documents as outlined in the below table. Download section requires Adobe Acrobat plugins. Please click here to download a free copy.




InterPac Dana Safi
InterPac Dana Abadi
InterPac Dana Saadi
InterPac Dana Ghani
InterPac Dynamic Equity Fund
InterPac Cash Fund
Annual Report
InterPac Dana Abadi Annual Report 31 December 2023
Interpac Dana Saadi Fund Report For The Financial Period Ended 31 March 2024
InterPac Dana Ghani Annual Report for the Financial Year Ended 31 March 2024
InterPac Master Trust Annual Report For the Financial Period Ended 31 March 2024 (IDS,IDEF,ICF)
Semi Annual Report
Master Prospectus / Prospectus and Replacement or Supplemental Master Prospectus / Prospectus
Master Prospectus: IDS & IDEF
Prospectus InterPac Dana Abadi
Prospectus InterPac Dana Saadi
Semi-Annual Master Interim Trust Report
Information Memorandum and Replacement or Supplemental Information Memorandum
Information Memorandum  InterPac Dana Ghani
Product Highlights Sheet
InterPac Dynamic Equity Fund
InterPac Dana Safi
InterPac Cash Fund
InterPac Dana Abadi
InterPac Dana Saadi
InterPac Dana Ghani
Foreign Private Mandate
Investment Management Agreement
Customer Risk Profiling
Account Opening Form
Account Opening Checklist
Transaction Form (Injection)
Transaction Form (Withdrawal)
Local Private Mandate
Investment Management Agreement
Account Opening Form
Corporate Unit Trust
Personal Data Protection Act Notice
FATCA and CRS Self-Certificate – Corporate
Corporate Account Opening
Account Opening Checklist
Declaration of Beneficial Ownership
FATCA And CRS Self-Certificate – Controlling Person
Transaction Form (BMWCF)
Transaction Form (UTFWSF)
Suitability Assessment Form
Declaration of AI & HNW Entity
Individual/Joint Unit Trust
Account Opening
Account Opening Checklist
Transaction Form
Declaration of HNW Individual
Corporate Private Mandate
Investment Management Agreement
Personal Data Protection Act Notice
FATCA and CRS Self-Certificate – Corporate Private Mandate
Corporate Private Mandate Account Opening
Account Opening Checklist
FATCA And CRS Self-Certificate – Controlling Person
Transaction Form (Injection)
Transaction Form (Withdrawal)
Other Form
Change Request Form



Any other information that falls outside this designated area does not form part of the electronic prospectus, electronic information memorandum, electronic product highlights sheet or electronic application forms and that the collective investment schemes are offered solely on the basis of the information contained in the electronic prospectus, electronic information memorandum and electronic product highlights sheet.

A printed copy of master prospectus, prospectus, supplementary or replacement prospectus (if any), information memorandum, supplementary or replacement information memorandum (if any), product highlights sheet and application forms are also available at our office and all authorized agents/distributors.

The electronic master prospectus/prospectus, product highlights sheet, interim/annual report or fund factsheet of some of our funds are also available at iFast Capital Sdn Bhd ( and Phillip Mutual Berhad (

The Internet site, electronic storage medium, electronic prospectus, electronic information memorandum, electronic product highlights sheet and electronic application forms are posted or contained are the responsibilities of Berjaya Mutual Sdn Bhd.